
nanou  upload on 2014年11月10日 17:08   

Pet Type:   dog Name:   Lili Rescue Date:  2013年12月1日
City:   ShangHai Location:   Weight:  5kg - 10kg Gender:  母 (F) Age:  1-5 years
Desex:   Yes  Vaccinated:   Yes  Rabies:   Yes  Deflea:   Yes  Dewormed:   Yes 

In December 2013, Lili was abandoned in front of rescuer's shelter, but the rescuer did not accept her at the first time, as she herself already have 50+ dogs and cats. Yet when the rescuer drove away, Lili ran after the car, for several times, very persistent and willing to be saved. So one day, when the rescuer opened the shelter's gate, Lili ran in by herself.

She is just past 1 year old, and wants to be in a family, not in a shelter!

She is a very sweet dog, you can see the sadness in her eyes, and you can tell she just wants LOVE, and give love in return. She is a little afraid of the noises of the city, and needs to be trained to walk on a leash. We already made very good steps and would be a perfect family companion.

Contact info

Contact Lili's Rescuer (english and chinese speaking) - We Chat viviennezj , Mobile 18662621204

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