Xiao Hei

admin  upload on 2018年2月19日 10:36   

Pet Type:   dog Name:   Xiao Hei Rescue Date:  2018年1月30日
City:   ShangHai Location:   PuDong Weight:  5kg - 10kg Gender:  母 (F) Age:  1-5 years
Desex:   No  Vaccinated:   Yes  Rabies:   No  Deflea:   Yes  Dewormed:   Yes 
Found and rescued while being in labor, Xiao Hei is now the mother of four puppies. She is incredibly gentle and obedient. Rescuers has the suspicion that she was in a household before. She has a coat that is mainly black with white down the middle of her nose and to her chest. She is a small to medium-sized dog. In Tangzhen, Pudong

Contact info

Contact:13817710901, 13524237993, 13641754179

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