Xiao Bei

麻姐  upload on 2017年11月15日 00:33   

Pet Type:   dog Name:   Xiao Bei Rescue Date:  2017年8月17日
City:   ShangHai Location:   Baoshan Weight:  < 5kg Gender:  母 (F) Age:  < 1 year
Desex:   No  Vaccinated:   No  Rabies:   No  Deflea:   Yes 2017年8月23日 Dewormed:   Yes 2017年8月17日
A little puppy dumped next to Xujing subway station. The rescuer saw a little kid trying to catch her but was scolded by the mom. Upon asking, found that someone just dumped her only a few days ago. So the rescuer decided to put her in her bag and took the subway back home. She was the size of a cat when found, very quiet. Small size. 6 months old.

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