Finding the Right Kennel or Pet Hotel

admin     2013年3月25日 00:02


  1. Check the overall cleanliness of the kennel. Check that pets are kept in separate areas to avoid contamination or transfer of diseases.
  2. Check that the kennel has proper licenses and registration to operate as a kennel
  3. Obtain the proper receipts and Fa Piao for all expenses
  4. Keep copies of documents and agreements
  5. Feel free to provide more than one contact phone numbers. Most often it is not necessary to provide home address.
  6. In case of dispute, report the incident and contact the authorities.
  7. If the animal died during its stay with the kennel, ask that the body of the deceased animal be kept for examination. The kennel cannot dispose of the deceased animal without permission.


In the event of disputes, contact:

  1. Police : 110
  2. Shanghai Veterinary Drug and Feed Inspection Institute: 52164608, 52164614, 62687940
  3. Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce 64220000, email:

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