Basic knowledge about dog food

admin     2013年3月16日 18:40

Good and healthy food is imperative for dogs because it can provide necessary nutrients such as: protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water. Dogs have to receive the correct ratio of vitamins to remain healthy. In the United States, companies that produce pet food sell different types of pet food for different age groups; with very large variety.

            As of right now the pet food market in China also provides a large range of dog food, which is why you may find it difficult to find the appropriate type of products for your dog. We recommend that you ask for advice from a shop assistant or a vet, but of course you should make your decision depending on your dog’s reaction to the food. After your dog eats the food you have chosen and appears to have the right amount of physical strength and seems high-spirited, its fur is a healthy color, and just appears wholly healthy, then it means that this type of dog food is suitable for your dog. Many dog owners like to give their dogs dry food because it allows your dog to have clean teeth, and it can exercise your dog’s jaw muscles. It also allows your dog to have tight excrement, which is convenient for you to clean up. At the same time, many dog owners feed their dogs wet food, like canned products. It is recommended that you mix up the two types of dog food to feed your dog. If this is your first time to buy dog food, we recommend that you put in three quarters of dry food and one quarter worth of wet dog food, and the amount you feed your dog should not be more than the amount of nutrition your dog needs.

            Young puppies need more energy and nutrients than mature dogs. So if you have a puppy, please use dog food made especially for puppies. Dogs under the age of six months should eat three to four meals a day, because it is when they need the most of their nutrients to grow, but the amount they eat cannot be too much at a time. Once dogs are six months old, three meals a day are enough. Once they mature, you should feed them according to their body size and shape. For most mature dogs, two meals a day are enough. Each dog should have its own bowl for water and food. Dog owners should wash and dry the bowls daily, and ensure that the water their dogs drink are clean.

            Your dog may like to ask for food from you, but do not get into the habit of sharing food with your dog. Dogs’ nutritious needs are different from humans, and if your feed your dog your food, it is not a sign of love, it is something that will harm your dog. In pet stores you can find plenty of treats and snacks made just for dogs, and you can include this in your dog’s daily ingestion quantity. Dogs also like vegetables like broccoli, carrots, squash, cauliflower, peas, or other bean products. They also like fruits like bananas, apple, or melons. These are all sorts of good snacks with low energy counts.

            Pet food in the United States have been through a long time of research and development, and now, their products are all very well-formulated, and all the nutrients are comprehensive. Their products are also very specific, allowing you to easily find a perfect choice of dog food for your pet. At the same time, having a wide variety of choice makes it easy for you to find your dog’s favorite food. Care about your pet’s health, pay attention to your pet’s diet, and you can easily find the perfect American dog food; come and show your pet that you love them dearly.

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