8/1-2: BFC Special Adoption Event for Yulin Dogs

admin     2015年6月19日 15:38

BFC玉林狗狗领养专场 - 虹桥南丰城

BFC Special  Adoption Event for Yulin Dogs


去年这个时候,许多动保人士到玉林抗议,不少人士从狗贩子手里赎出了很多狗,其中部分分流到了上海,有不少因为体质虚弱最终没能存活,还有部分继续在一个好心人那里养着,并确保他们心理上的创伤已经得到纠正后,现通过BFC平台,在8/1-2 日两天,正式为他们找家。

Yulin is an evil  place which arouses the anger of animal lovers worldwide by hosting a dog meat festival in June each year.  This year, even though the local government denies that the festival will go on, many of the locals will still continue to kill thousands of dogs and cats.

Some dog lovers went over last year and rescued hundreds of dogs from being slaughtered, some end up coming to Shanghai and a local guy has been taking care of them.  It has been a year that they have undergone treatment,  now they are all happy and will formally look for a good home.

时间Time: 8/1-2  下午1点至4时 From 1pm to 4pm

地点Location虹桥南丰城,长宁区遵义路100号(近紫云路)Hongqiao Nanfeng Town, Zunyi Road 100 (near Ziyun road)

感谢G-Market 及虹桥南丰城提供这次机会,让上海的朋友们也能通过领养活动帮助到这些受苦受难的狗狗们。

还要感谢Hi Studio 专门为这批玉林狗狗拍了一组照片,这么可爱的狗狗们,这么有人会对它们下毒手?

当日来参加活动的狗狗有:Yulin dogs attending include:

1) 七宝 ,http://www.bestfriendschina.org/pet/1140/

2) 四宝,http://www.bestfriendschina.org/pet/1137/

3) 10 宝,http://www.bestfriendschina.org/pet/1142/


5)幺幺宝, http://www.bestfriendschina.org/pet/1134/

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