2/1 Happy ending for puppies

admin     2015年2月5日 20:45

2/1 日,这是一个让所有义工们振奋的日子,来参加特别领养专场的九只狗瘟恢复了的小奶狗(包括寄养在外的两只),都在两个小时内被领养成功。(另两只在这之前已被捷足先登者领走。)

2/1 A happy day for all volunteers who have helped these puppies for over 2 months. 9 of the puppies who attended the events were adopted within a couple of hours. (2 were adopted before the event.)



These puppies all have distemper and underwent more than a month of treatment and observtion, they started their vaccination and were ready for a good home.



We cannot express our gratitude to so many people who do not mind the breed and the extra care needed for these puppies, and come forward to give them a forever home.



Some photos to store our memory of this very special day.


志愿者们一早就把狗狗们带来。Volunteers were there early to set up.


平时晚上很high 的Apartment酒吧,今天摇身一变成了一个非常温馨的住家氛围。Apartment is so so cozy in the day too with its warm and confort settings.


BFC志愿者们给每只小奶狗穿上漂亮的衣服。All dressed up.


因为狗瘟有排毒期,这些狗狗一直是被隔离的,没想到第一次出来就是那么大场面。但它们一点也不怯场,一出来就博得了大家的欢心。The CDV puppies were isolated during their recovery period, and the first time out is quite a big occassion for them, but they are enjoying it :-)


挑个好看的领结吧。Pick one.

我们排排站。Standing in line.


执子之爪。I will hold your hands forever.


爱你。Love you.

志愿者们最伟大, 很仔细的在和领养意向人解释。Thanks to all the great volunteers who helped to explain the care for these puppies.


Richard 你的福分来了。Happy Richard and happy girl.


Jenny 要去新家了,依依不舍。Saying good bye.

美女与爱狗。Beauty and Nini.

帅哥和爱宠。Beau and the dog.

无法取舍,干脆两只都带回家:-)Why not take two?

我们的中国美女也成功领到了喜欢的黑狗。Happy ending for Sandy.


一辈子的承诺,就在这一纸的协定。A lifetime of commitment.

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