1/20/2013 Intervet-Importance of vaccination Talk

admin     2013年1月11日 23:44

Shanghai Small Animal Veterinary Assocation reminds rescuers that vacinnation not only protects the rescued animals against diseases but also help to protect volunteers, adopters and the rescuers temselves.  Dr Geoffrey Chen, president of SHSAVA, urges rescuers to take extra precautions so that they can continue to help more anmals.

Given that many animals are abandoned on the streets each day, the stray animal situation has become a problem that many ordinary citizens of Shanghai are tackling on their own.  Many nice people rescued some lucky animals off the streets, but often time they may be having financial difficulties to give all the rescued animals the proper medical care.  Based on this, SHSAVA sees a need to host a talk to teach an average rescuer on proper vaccination and handling of strays.

The talk explained to an audience of about 50 people some common disease between animals and people, such as Rabies and Lepto.  Dr Chen emphazied that Rabies is a deadly disease.  Even though Rabies has been significantly controlled in the city, he reminds people that it is best to follow the government advice to register their dogs and give them Rabies shots.  

The event received good reponse from the audience where 100% hopes for more talks as such to be given to the general public, to teach people the proper and responsible ways of having a pet and to love all companion animals, which will hopefully then helps to alleviate the stray situation in Shanghai.

The talk was hosted in the Science audttorium near Fuxing Park.  It is co hosted by Best Friends China who believes that more changes can be done through education and publicity.  MSD Pharmaceutical Comapny donated more than 1000 Intervet vaccines to help the rescuers and shelters' management who attended the seminar. 


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