
admin     2014年12月10日 00:41


BFC非常荣幸能参加Kick The Gong Around策划的Vintage Winter Fest - Christmas Wonderland Bazaar(KTGA冬季复古盛会 - 圣诞夜的仙境之旅)。主办方非常关切近日上海打击非法繁殖贩卖幼犬事件,特提供了一个摊位,让我们帮忙这批被解救的80只幼犬筹集医疗护理经费及安排领养事宜。


更多有关小奶狗的故事,请看以下及未来更新,我们还会更详细说明,BFC 希望通过这次活动,能让公众认识到非法繁殖母犬的悲惨生活,希望大家以领养代替购买,给这些侥幸生存的小狗一个家。More stories of the puppies coming up in BFC update, please follow us above.  Meanwhile, you can get a glimpse of the rescue effort by reading:

(in Chinese)

http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3MjA1NjQ3MQ==&mid=201266401&idx=1&sn=e9135e5915a1e810f48e8dfbe723b5b2&scene=2&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#rd   http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3MjA1NjQ3MQ==&mid=201287212&idx=1&sn=d2da6924385a9f6662b4f8fc2f5db8a5&scene=2&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#rd English writeup: http://harmonyfund.org/the-great-animal-rescue/story?id=1280&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0

The  Vintage Winter Festpromises  to get you all in the festive mood with  winter wonderland  bazaar.
This, however, is no ordinary Christmas market because KTGA  like to do things just that little bit different. The organizer presents to you a weekend  full of extraordinary festivities, with everything for our vintagefestival-goers  from fashion to furniture, from alternative to high end, fromarchitectural talks  to cocktail making sessions! And just about everything you need for this cold  wintery season, including a few little somethings for our male audience too.

KTGA 冬季复古盛会 - KTGA的第三场复古集市!              


  • 12月12日 周五 14:00-22:00

  • 12月13日 周六 12:00-22:00

  • 12月14日 周日 12:00-20:00


地点: 上海 黄浦区 复兴中路323号拉法耶艺术中心

费用:  50元(门票)/三天100元




THEME Immersive Winter Wonderland - five floors of magic

TIME Fri 14:00 - 22:00 / Sat 12:00 - 22:00 / Sun 12:00 - 20:00

AFTERPARTY Sat: 22:00 - 02:00

SHOPS Vintage high end sellers, books, furniture, organic grocery, gourmet food sellers

TICKET 50rmb - 1 day / 3 days - 100rmb

EXPERIENCE Themed deco, art happenings, performances, design, fashion, cinema, exhibitions, children area, theatre, interactive illustration

DRESS CODE Smart attire, ice queen, forest gnomes, elves and fairies, punk tartan, vintage always.

这次三日的圣诞集市将会有冰雪女王,雪天使,小精灵和童话故事出现在KTGA特别打造的身临其境式的氛围中。这次体验将是KTGA的又一个身临其境式的活动体验 - 特别的主题装饰(想象一下阿尔卑斯山和常绿森林),现场有艺术互动和插画比赛以及特别定制的表演等等。这次不仅会有高端复古的品牌,还会有各种原创品牌、生活方式类产品,美味食物,时装秀,讲座和工作坊等等。



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